Disadvantages of automatic guided vehicles (AGV)

2021-03-03 17:47:47

Disadvantages of AGV
1. Potential high initial investment
Ultimately, AGV increases the bottom line of operations by reducing labor costs and increasing productivity, but this has to pay a certain price: initial investment. In the short term, purchasing an AGV may be more expensive than hiring personnel or using other equipment (such as forklifts). In the long run, savings can usually be fully realized. For smaller companies that may not have immediate access to capital, this initial investment can be troublesome.
Repair fees. Like any equipment, AGV requires routine maintenance and irregular maintenance. Although AGV will not be directly operated by employees, with the training of employees and the implementation of AGV, some downtime will inevitably result. This is not necessarily a "disadvantage" in itself, but the possibility of occasional continuous expenditure should be considered.
2. Maintenance costs
Like any equipment, AGV requires routine maintenance and irregular maintenance. Although AGV will not be directly operated by employees, with the training of employees and the implementation of AGV, some downtime will inevitably result. This is not necessarily a "disadvantage" in itself, but the possibility of occasional continuous expenditure should be considered.
3. Not suitable for non-repetitive tasks
AGVs are most meaningful in the operation of handling repetitive tasks, because this is their programming work. If the tasks in the operation are not repetitive, people who operate other equipment (such as forklifts) can complete these tasks faster and more efficiently.
4. Reduced operational flexibility
One of the benefits of having personnel is that sometimes operations require flexibility, such as the ability to jump between tasks.
For example, maybe you need Steve to stop doing what he is doing and provide cover for Joe, who needs to leave because of a family emergency, and what he does is completely different. As long as Steve has the correct supervision and relevant experience, this is not a